Good worship creates a joyful space where we can encounter God. Whether in the beauty of our historic church, or on Zoom or Facebook Live, we celebrate the great story of God’s amazing love. At the heart of that story is mystery, so we leave room for that too, most especially in the sacrament of Holy Eucharist (also called Communion), where we are made whole again as the body of Christ. Here are some ways to connect through worship with Christ Church.
This Week at Christ Church
January 19 – Jesus Knows How to Party!
How did Christianity get a reputation for being dour when Jesus could be a party guy? His first miracle was at a wedding reception and he turned vats of water into finest wine. He is still transforming ordinary things – and people – into the extraordinary.
Can’t come in person at 9? Click here to connect online at 11 am or watch at Facebook Live here.
Download the worship bulletin for the 11 o’clock La Plata service here
Next Week.
January 26 – Meeting Jesus the Teacher
Jesus was much more than a teacher, but that was often the way people first encountered him – as one who taught with insight into the human condition and an authority they had not seen in other teachers. He is still teaching – are we still learning from him?
Online at 8 p.m. – Each evening, Monday through Thursday, people from the U.S. and Canada gather for a brief service of prayer. Launched during the pandemic to help people stay connected, Night Prayers has turned into a life-giving community of its own – and there is always room for you. Connect on Zoom here and use LPWay to get in.
What To Expect Sunday Morning
Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. – We gather in our church for our weekly time of reconnection, recharging, and recommitment. Through song, readings, sermons, and prayer we celebrate the goodness of God and explore where God’s power and love are being made real in our lives.
- Our worship is flexible but has structure; we invite people to come as they are, and be what they feel, and bring their whole selves – body, mind, and spirit. You are welcome!
- We love to have children worship with us. We have activity packets for them and offer childcare for those who would do better in a quiet space.
Sunday mornings at 11 a.m. – Our sister church in La Plata offers in-person and online worship. Connect on Zoom here. Or go to Facebook Live.
What to Expect in Worship
Expect to be accepted as you are – there is no dress code.
Our worship follows the pattern in the Book of Common Prayer, the prayer book of the Episcopal Church. Our worship music is a mix of traditional hymns and more contemporary church music.
- We sing, pray, listen, move; we stand, sit or kneel, depending on the part of the service; feel free to do what is comfortable for you.
- We love to have children worship with us. We have activity packets for them and offer childcare for those who would do better in a quiet space.
Health Protocols
- If you have a cold or feel ill, and/or are unvaccinated, please wear a mask and socially distance.
- If you have a cold or feel ill, wear a mask when singing – singing is a very “broad-cast-y” activity.
- If you’ve been ill or traveling, please join us online at 11 am and worship from home.
Our protocols for sanitizing spaces and maintaining healthy practices can be reviewed here.
Baptism in the Episcopal Church is a joyful rite of entry into the community of faith and the eternal life of God we are privileged to begin here and now. We baptize infants, older children or adults; there is no time more “right” than another. Four occasions in the church year are particularly suited for baptism:
- The Feast of the Baptism of Jesus in early January
- Easter in the springtime
- Pentecost in early summer
- All Saints Day the first Sunday of November.
Baptisms can be scheduled at other times of the year, but we generally do not celebrate baptisms during the season of Lent (the period between Shrove Tuesday and Easter).
During a baptism, promises and faith commitments are made. In the case of older youth and adults, the one baptized makes these promises herself or himself. For infants and younger children, parents and godparents (a godparent is not required) make the promise on behalf of the baptized. It is important that at least one parent and one godparent claim Christian faith and practice for themselves, which means that they believe in Jesus Christ as the Risen Son of God, that they are or intend to be an active member in a church community, and that they intend to raise the child to be baptized in a congregation.
Feel free to contact our rector if you have questions or want to schedule a baptism at Christ Church.
If you are planning a wedding, congratulations! Weddings are a truly joyous time for those who are planning to be married and for their respective families.
In the Episcopal Church, marriage is considered a sacramental rite – a special, unique opportunity to experience God’s grace and blessing – and it is recognized as a life-long commitment between two consenting adults, intended for their mutual joy and support. Couples that are not members of Christ Church or another Episcopal Church are welcome to celebrate their wedding in our historic church. All couples need to meet with the rector before scheduling weddings at Christ Church.
Weddings at Christ Church are celebrated in accordance with the requirements of the Episcopal Church. At least one of the two people intending to marry must be a baptized Christian (we recognize baptisms performed in most Christian churches and denominations; you do not need to be a baptized Episcopalian).
Pre-marital counseling is required prior to any wedding celebration, and may be completed either by our clergy or by a licensed professional therapist. Wedding ceremonies at Christ Church are typically performed by our priest. When warranted, permission will be granted to clergy of other churches or Christian traditions to officiate.
If you are interested in celebrating your wedding at Christ Church, please contact the church office or call (301) 259-4327. We look forward to talking with you about your special day! Our Parish Hall may be rented for receptions – contact the church office to inquire.
Episcopal funerals are formal and beautiful worship services, with a focus on our belief in resurrection life in Christ. Christ Church is happy to accommodate requests to hold a funeral in our sanctuary. Please contact the church office or call (301) 259-4327 to discuss it.
We have a beautiful historic cemetery surrounding the church. To inquire about purchasing plots and/or burial there, please contact the church office or call (301) 392-1051.
Prayers for healing are offered by clergy and lay people at Sunday services. Periodically we will devote the whole worship time to healing. Appointments for individual prayer sessions, especially for emotional or “inner” healing, can be made by contacting the pastor, the Rev. Kate Heichler.
Who’s On First?
Not sure who’s reading or greeting or helping with communion? Click WORSHIP ROTA Winter 2025 to find out.
And if you’d like to be doing those things, please see details here.
“Worship the Lord with gladness; come before God with joyful songs.” – Psalm 100