Water Daily
Each weekday, Rev. Kate sends out a reflection on Sunday’s Gospel. Many parishioners find Water Daily an easy way to incorporate spiritual study and prayer into their day, and report that they get more out of the Sunday service having spent time with the Gospel reading all week.
You can receive Water Daily as an email each morning (subscribe here).
Take a daily dip into the the river of life and be refreshed!
The Holy Child – 9-19-24
In what ways are we called to welcome children in the name of Jesus?
Doormats – Or Doorways? 9-18-24
We cannot empty ourselves if we are not full of ourselves.
Jockeying For Position – 9-17-24
One of the huge gifts that come with membership in the household of God is freedom from having to position ourselves.
Afraid To Ask – 9-16-24
What are your biggest questions about the Christian faith and story?
Losing Our Life(style) – 9-13-24
So much of our climate crisis has been driven by our insatiable desire for more stuff, more food, more drink.
Thinking Like God – 9-12-24
“God loves us just the way we are – and far too much to leave us that way.”
Suffering – 9-11-24
God does not inflict suffering upon us, though our God of free will does allow it to happen.
Christ Church Wayside
13050 Rock Point Road
PO Box 177
Newburg, MD 20664
(301) 259-4327